Momentum is a place for men of all backgrounds seeking authentic connection, support and growth.

Momentum is a men’s support organization that provides men with a space where they can feel seen, heard, connected with and supported by the men of our community.

Men who join Momentum can get the support and connection they need, as well as learn the skills and tools needed to thrive.

  • Support - if you are facing isolation, a difficult time in life, or are in crisis, Momentum can provide the empathy, connection and support you need.

  • Growth - if you are looking to improve your life, we can help get you the skills to overcome sticking spots and challenges, so you can live a more fulfilling life.

  • Life Expansion - if you are already thriving, Momentum can help you become the best man you can be.

Learn more about Momentum for Men >

Why Momentum For Men?

Monthly In-Person Meetings

Join us in person on the 2nd Saturday of every month in Bramhall Park (back side of park) 1301 Weaver Dr · San Jose, CA

  1. Coffee and Social time starts at 8:00 AM

  2. The meeting will start at 8:30 AM, sharp

  3. The meeting will end at 10:30 AM, sharp, followed by breakfast

Contact us to sign up >

Monthly Online Meetings

Join us on the 3rd Saturday of every month on Zoom.

  1. Zoom opens at 7:45 AM for unstructured social time with the other men

  2. Structured social breakouts begin at 8:00 AM

  3. The content portion of the meeting starts at 8:30 AM

  4. The meeting ends at 10:00 AM sharp

Contact us for the Zoom link >

All meetings are different, but they usually have some aspect of getting to know other guys, some fun or a game, and being a bit introspective about where you want your life and become the man you want to be.

Plan on staying for the orientation that takes place after the monthly meeting. It helps men become part of the organization quickly. You will meet many of the members, learn our customs and principles, and have opportunities for growth and friends.

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